Post 111. Beyond the Confines of Life and Death (1918)

Beyond the confines of life and death

Friend of mine, there you remain.

In the desolate sky of my heart

Your exalted seat, obscured with light -

With which endless hope, intense delight

Do I stare at it, arms opened wide.

Beyond the confines of life and death

Friend of mine, there you remain.

Voiceless night washes, wipes your feet

Lays her darkness-tresses beneath

What is this song that floods my all today

As it descends from your veena to play

I find the world in your plangent tune

As I lose myself to its pain.

Beyond the confines of life and death

Friend of mine, there you remain.

- Guru Purnima 2023.

#Tagore #prayer #translation #death #friendship

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Jashodhara Chakraborti

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